- Let us know your custom text info and we can make you a 100% custom linkage!!
- Replace your boring stock shift linkage with one that will truly enhance the look bike. 100% conversation starter!
- Shift linkage compatible with 1986- 2022 Harley Softail (except ’18-later FXBB and FXLR), Touring and Trike models. Does NOT fit ’97-’99 FLSTS or models equipped with Softail Extended Reach Forward Controls.
- Linkage is made of high quality black anodized billet aluminum with custom graphic permanently added to it.
- Linkage adjusts from 11.5" minimum up to 13" maximum. Be sure to measure your stock linkage if you are not sure if it will fit.
- Kit includes custom shift linkage and all the necessary hardware. Can be installed in minutes!!
- Custom designed shift linkages available. Please contact is directly for more info.
Custom Text Shift Linkage Kit Fits Harley Davidson